Daniel Haight
Daniel Haight is the President and co-founder of Darkhorse Analytics. He is a Certified Analytics Professional and an award-winning lecturer at the University of Alberta School of Business.
His work has spanned healthcare, energy, marketing, professional sports, and transportation. He started his career at Mercer Management Consulting in Toronto advising senior management and jet-setting around the continent. Subsequently, he nearly made millions of dollars in a small Internet startup. Instead, he enjoyed the magnificent failure of the dotcom bust.
Along the way, he started a used car dealership, purchased a second-hand trampoline for fifteen dollars, recorded a rock video, and fathered three children. His current work focuses on predictive analytics and data visualization. His goal is to help managers make better decisions by combining their experience with the power of analytics. His even bigger goal is to design a company where Monday mornings are even more exciting than Friday afternoons.
Speaker and Storyteller
Dan challenges audiences to fully integrate analytics into their organizations. He teaches Analytics for Managers to EMBAs and executives, and Quantitative Consulting to undergraduates and MBAs at the University of Alberta. In 2006, he received the Undergraduate Teaching Award from the Alberta School of Business.
His one-hour “Why Analytics Fails” talk draws on his years of experience working in professional sports, healthcare, public safety, and transportation. The lessons he shares will change your perspective on decision-making and inspire you to embrace an evidence-based culture. His work with the Edmonton Oilers was profiled on the Discovery Channel.
He's spoken at numerous societies, clubs, companies, and government organizations as well as national and international conferences including:
The Cloud Factory, CORS, INFORMS, the Western Canada Cyber Summit, the Chain of Survival conference, PMINAC, SCOPE, Energize, the Rocky Mountain Business Seminar, Analytics Big Data and the Cloud, Taming of the Queue, EMS Planners, and the Metro Fire Planners Conference.