How can we make demographic data even more engaging and accessible? Census data has been available online through numerous data portals, but despite how incredibly useful the insights they provide can be - for people moving, businesses looking to open up a new location, or non-profits wanting to focus their services for maximum impact - detailed census data often remains unused in important decision-making.
The visualization was covered on CBC Edmonton News (April 19th 2022, 18:13), as well as CityNews Edmonton and CBC Radio Active.
We came up with “This is Edmonton” as a way to both increase engagement and make the insights accessible. The insights are initially introduced to users through storytelling and 3D mapping…
One of the initial story-telling screens greeting users to the possible insights.
… after which the user can then browse and compare neighborhoods with each other in the city, including their own. Storytelling makes the insights more accessible, while the 3D map is an effective way of creating engagement.
Combining Technologies
Another goal for this project was to build on existing tools that are familiar to data scientists. In particular, the charts on the right are built with Tableau and hosted on Tableau Public, building off concepts from a dashboard that the City of Edmonton had previously created.
One of the challenges was to create dashboards in a way that did not seem like a typical Tableau workbook, and to integrate them seamlessly with libraries and tools to make storytelling and mapping possible.